Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I hv to read 400++ pages of some microC document and im having prob to finish them.. it's too technical and it makes me really sick!
it's about chip, memories, the bits and bytes..haighhhhh and arghhhhhhh...I
heven't touch dis subject for sooo longggg bcos for the past 6 years all i did was software only.. little on
hardware.Now, I've got to deal with both electrical and software. Anyway, when i think again.. it's not that bad ;)
i've got to deal both chip and software stuff which i think very challenging and that's what i am looking for. YEAHH!

it's 10:55am, another 65 mins to go for lunch. I am not hungry but i want to go out of this building. mentioning go out.. ting!ting!
Ia m thinking of shopping today.. pair of pants and a nice shirts maybe. I've got 1 month salary from prev co and 1/2 salary from my current company..
SO.... IT"S SPENDING TIMEEE!!!! ohh... how i love buying things!! let it be going to pasar malam or hypermarket just to shop for groceries.. I just love it!!
I am LOVING it!!

even though i hate it.. I need to go back and read again. chaiyok!!

what a pathetic and desperado thief:
seboleh boleh nak curi gak porsche ni. work hard, earn good money from decent work and buy it urself la,
we hv shortcuts for roads but don't think in life we have shortcuts. STUPID DUM DUM!!

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