Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thank you and bye-bye blogspot!

I will no longer talk craps here because I have a new blog at www.putriaziahanim.com/blog. Yes! my own web host sponsored by my beloved husband. hehehehuhuhuh (*gelak suka hati*). Of course if later he decides not to sponsor the host anymore, I will definitely continue my beybeylan here.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Home-made bread pudding

Yes! I did this for 2morrow's pot luck event dekat office.
Thanks to mesra.net site for the recipe. Easy and yummy!! :D

roti - i bungkus
susu cair - 1 tin
gula - ¾ tin susu *1/2 tin or lesser pun cukup. 3/4 manis sangat. or replace with brown sugar.
telur - 4 biji
mentega - 3 sudu makan *replace this with healthy butter for those yang on diet
1. rendamkan roti dengan air suam separuh lembab
2. pukul telur, mentega dan gula sampai kembang
3. tuangkan adunan yang dipukul tadi kedalam roti. gaul sehingga sebati
4. kemudian masukkan susu cair dan gaul hingga sebati.
5 masukkan dalam acuan yang telah dilapik dengan kertas minyak
6. Kemudian kukus selama satu jam
7. setelah sejuk masukkan puding tersebut dalam peti ais

I need some improvement!

Today marks my 1 year plus in the bloggin' world.
I don't write much this year.
I am planning to improve the looks of my blog because it looks bored and soo plain.
I want to learn photoshop first so that my photos look better in this blog.
hahahah.. hope this is not another my "hot-hot chicken shit" thing.
5:30pm already and time for me to go back!



Ahh.. I had a good relaxing morning. Wish I can do this every day.